tie guan yin tea efficacy

Cancer is one of the current medical problems. It is genetic material changes, general is normal gene is carcinogenic factor into oncogenes, again facing another some substance, the influence of cancer after gene expression, produce abnormal protein and caused cell division, and differentiated into cancer cells. While mutations refers to genetic material change, including the chromosomes of the change and genetic material (gene) change. About tea cancer-fighting topic from the late 1970s onwards, scientists worldwide around this problem initiated many research. In the animal vivo like mice, rat, such research shows that tea extracts rabbit to ultraviolet rays, TPA, benzene and imidacloprid, 7,12 – two methyl benzene methyl anthraquinone, 3 – and bravery, and N – oxygenated methyl – N – and nitro urea caused such carcinogens such as skin, lung cancer has very obvious inhibition effect.

In the 1980s, medical research at home and abroad, tea in anti-cancer mechanism of resistance mutations can be summarized in the following aspects: inhibit the formation of final carcinogens, adjust the original carcinogens metabolic process, the ultimate directly domestic-market-oriented electronic role, inhibit cancer metabolites oncogene and DNA covalent bonding, scavenging free radicals, etc.

Recent research report shows, dragon well tea can prevent skin canceration happening: mainly because the tea antioxidants — tea polyphenols, can kill the tumor cells, but also still can pass limits blood vessel growth around the tumor to “starve to death” cancer is swollen. And green tea in the tea polyphenols is a lot of tea in the highest content of, so drink per day 4-5 cups of green tea can have good prevention role.

Generally think tea green tea, second highest cancer fight mutations for: tightly compressed tea, jasmine tea, oolong tea and black tea. In west lake tie guan yin tea and the best. The wuyi rock tie guan yin tea and oolong tea is neck-and-neck with again.

Par ellian le samedi 06 août 2011


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